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We will hold an in-person meeting on May 11, 2013, in Columbus Ohio. We will meet at our offices at 470 Olde Worthington Rd, Columbus OH, 43082 at 10 am. We will run until about 5pm and then go off to dinner somewhere.

For non locals: Hampton Inn [1] is across the street. But Red Roof Inn is is less expensive for the budget conscious. In the past some of us have stayed at the Worthington location, but we've had things stolen from us, had our reservations changed out from under us, and other problems. Moose recommends the Westerville RRI instead.


Minutes recorded by Warner.

Attended by Kevin, Len, MikeS, Moose, Phil, Rob, Scott, and Warner.


Discussed finances and special events/parties.

Beth-Lynn proposed "introductory time" for the keynote dinner.

Potential ham radio/podcast partners.

Discussed engaging educators to encourage children to attend OLF. Len volunteered to drive this initiative.

Beth-Lynn brought up an idea Maddog has for distributing a book about Grace Hopper to children.

Rob asked if anyone want changes to the phone menu.

Beth-Lynn wants to bring on a safety/security chair. May hire a firm if we cannot find an appropriate candidate.

Scott proposed adding a staff list on a web site with photos.

  • Action Item (Kevin): Call for candidates for security role.
  • Action Item (Rob): Add publicity, discrimination to the phone system.
  • Action Item (Beth-Lynn): renew OhioLinux.org.
  • Action Item (Beth-Lynn): MikeS needs to be reimbursed for the SSL certificate renewal.
  • Action Item (Moose): COPPA compliance for the web site and registration. Children 13 and under will not be required to register.

Volunteer Coordinator

Len Jaffe introduced as the Volunteer Coordinator.

Phone: (614)404-4214

E-mail: len@lenjaffe.com

Need volunteers to handle these responsibilities:

  • Help run registration
  • Serve as MC/timekeepers for presenters.

Responsibilities for VC:

  • Track hours / coordinate

  • Action Item (Len): Get up a demo of his volunteer coordination software.

Meeting Rooms

Taking over both floors of the C-pod area.

On Friday there is a potential conflict with another event in the C-pods.

For Friday the current contract has all the left hand side C-pods downstairs plus all of the upstairs pods above them. 6-rooms plus an additional larger one. C110 and C220 rooms reserved.

Discussed signage.

Idea proposed to have maps available at the registration booth. Download on web site, separate map removed from the program.

Where do we want to locate the separate tracks? (Career, Newbie, Track 3, Track 4, Expo)

C226 and C216 are the bigger rooms.

Beth-Lynn drew a diagram of the space on the white board as a reference for discussion.

Track 1 and 2 will be in C110-C115. (Keynotes here)

Track 3 in C213-215.

Track 4 in C210-212.

Newbie Tracker C123-C124

"Ask a Penguin" in C125

Career Track in C216.

Expo in C220-C225. Option for platinum sponsors to be outside the room.

Socialization area on floor one behind the escalator.

Discussed options for keeping "Java City" open later and potential solutions for coffee vending past 3PM.


  • Action Item (Moose): Ask the BoF coordinator to make signs for the event.


Discussed potentially having a Request Tracker class. Everyone thought it was a great idea.

Discussed who will assume Skippy's duties. Moose will be taking lead, Beth-Lynn will be helping. Warner offered to help where needed.

Discussions ongoing with RedHat and Puppet / sponsorship to offset training fees.

Keep OLFI at $350 starting out. Increase rates to $450 30-days before the conference. LinuxBasics will remain at $250.

Point out savings for OLFI versus competing training.

  • Action Item (Moose): Contact Best Practical to gauge their interest.


Beth-Lynn will be present the opening remarks before keynote 1. She will also introduce Maddog.

Moose will present the closing remarks after keynote 3.

Keynote slots on Saturday are 1 (9AM), 2 (5PM), and 3 (6PM).

Mark Spencer -- Digium Founder (Keynote 1) Robyn Bergeron -- Fedora Project Leader Kirk McKusick -- FreeBSD Committer Jon Maddog Hall

  • Action Item (Moose): Keynote slots full. Offer Jono a speaker slot.


Vendors provide prizes.

Discussed how to design the vendor raffles to enable lead generation.

Discussed barcode solution for transferring attendee information to vendors. Will do a trial run with gold and platinum this year.

  • Action Item (Len): volunteered to write the code for integrating the system.


Discussed logo ideas that matches "FOSS connects the world" theme.

Need an annual logo as well as a logo for our main branding.

Main logo and a full page ad needs to be done before June. Include Kevin for what the full page ad should look like.

  • Action Item (Moose): contact Todd for an estimate and ideas for the generic logo.
  • Action Item (Beth-Lynn): ideas for the annual logo.

Audio Recordings

Vance needs ideas for copy.


Kathie (via Scott) is looking for potential instructors in the LinuxBasics class.

Discussed LinuxBasics track. Network, computers, ideas for the format.


Beth and Vance arrived at 11:07AM.
Warner left at 11:00AM, returned at 11:19AM. Minutes resumed.
Beth-Lynn, Warner, Moose, Phil, and Rob left at 12:10PM. Warner and Phil returned at 12:18PM. Beth-Lynn, Rob, and Moose returned before that.
12:43PM Warner took food orders.
1:30PM food arrived.
Closed at 5:10PM.


  • Len (Volunteer volunteer coordinator stopping by at 10am)
  • Room layout and review
    • Who goes where when
  • Website issues
    • Update on new reg system
    • ohiolinux.org renewal
    • SSL cert issues
  • Artwork 'n' at
    • Ideas for 2013 logo
    • Ideas for generic logo
    • Other artwork:
      • Full page ad
      • Graphics for partners (sponsors, attendees, speakers)
      • Postcards
  • Audio work (promos for podcasters)
  • Sponsor issues
  • Speaker and Keynote issues

Proposed items for discussion

  • Keynotes
  • Web site/CMS
  • ohiolinux.org renewal
  • SSL cert reimbursement
  • Sponsors
  • Speaking tracks
  • Full page ad artwork
  • Web site graphic for partners
  • Audio spot (30 second)
  • Talk to professors from last year

Robot Roll Call

Live From Worthington

Are you coming to the meeting? Then sign up here!

  • Michael Schultheiss
  • Vance Kochenderfer
  • Kevin O'Brien
  • Moose
  • Bethlynn
  • Rob
  • Puff the Magic Dragon
  • Phil Reiche

Live From Wherever

Attending via Skype/Google Hangout? Let us know so we can bring extra toys!

Hiding Under Bed

Not attending? Say so here so we can make the punishment fit the crime.