Press Release Template

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Line 1 of the body should read "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE". this should be all caps, but without the quotation marks.

Skip next line

Line 3: Title of release, no more than 10 words, in mixed case.

Skip next line

Line 5: Begin with "Columbus, Ohio - March 12" (but without quotation marks, and for whatever the current date is.) Then write your first paragraph to include the 5 W's (who, what, where, why, when). Keep paragraphs short.

End with Contact information.

Last line should be "###" by itself



Ohio LinuxFest Promotes Open Source in Medicine

Columbus, Ohio - July 25. Ohio Linuxfest is proud to announce that we will be offering a Medical Track at the 2011 Linuxfest, which will be held September 9-11, 2011, at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Speakers will include Wiley E. Coyote discussing the use of open-source explosives to aid in the treatment of Roadrunners.

Interview Contact: Max Headroom, Publicity Director



This template can be used to send e-mail Press Releases to any media outlet.