Press Release 8/27/11

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Ohio LinuxFest Celebrates 20 years of Linux

Columbus, Ohio - August 27. Ohio Linuxfest is proud to announce that we will be celebrating 20 years of Linux on September 9-11 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, Ohio.

On Friday 9/9/11 we will offer a variety of training opportunities (, an all-day Medical track focusing on the use of Linux and Open Source Software in healthcare (, and an all-day Ubucon put on by the Ubuntu project. The day closes with a keynote address by Jon 'maddog' Hall looking back on 20 years of Linux.

Saturday 9/10/11 opens with a keynote by Cathy Malmrose, Co-founder and CEO of ZaReason computers, on how Free and Open Source software is changing people's lives. A full slate of talks on 4 different tracks and company demonstrations on the Open Source Solutions Stage. A talk by Bradley Kuhn, Executive Director of the Software Freedom Conservancy, will focus on the issues of freedom with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). And Jon 'maddog' Hall will complete the talks with a look forward 20 years to free software in the year 2031. A party with music by Dual Core will end the day.

On Sunday 9/11/11 we will offer certification exams from the Linux Professional Institute (, and the Diversity in Open Source workshop (

Media Contact: Kevin O'Brien, Publicity Director 1-734-224-8520
